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These 4 States Are Voting on Marijuana Initiatives in November

Marijuana Vote

Currently, 31 states have passed medical marijuana laws and 9 states plus Washington D.C. have passed recreational marijuana laws.

In November, 4 states will be voting on medical or recreational marijuana laws, reports Motley Fool. Here are the 4 states and their potential marijuana laws:

The Marijuana Legalization Initiative (Proposal 1) would allow adults 21 and older to purchase and possess marijuana. Dispensary sales would be hit with a 10% excise tax, most being disbursed to local governments and the state’s K-12 education system.
Michigan residents would be allowed to grow up to 12 marijuana plants at their private residence. Municipalities would have the option to allow, ban or limit marijuana dispensaries within their boundaries.

Missouri’s Amendment 2 would legalize state-licensed doctors to recommend medical marijuana to patients with qualifying ailments. Medical marijuana sales would carry a 4% tax rate that the state would use towards providing healthcare services for veterans.

Missouri’s Amendment 3 would legalize marijuana for medical purposes and have a hefty 15% tax on sales. The tax is estimated to raise approximately $66 million a year.

Missouri’s Proposition C would allow medical marijuana to be prescribed by state-licensed doctors to patients with qualifying conditions. It’s have a tax of 2% on sales, leading to approximately $10 million in annual revenue for the state.

North Dakota
The Marijuana Legalization and Automatic Expungement Initiative (Measure 3) would legalize the recreational adult-use and sale of marijuana. If it passes, it would expunge the records of anyone convicted of a marijuana drug violation. It would also treat marijuana crimes, such as selling marijuana to a person younger than the age of 21, with the same penalty as if the individual or minor were in possession of alcohol.

The Utah Medical Cannabis Act (Proposition 2) supports the legalization of medical marijuana for patients with certain qualifying conditions. Qualifying patients would receive a medical marijuana card from their doctor, allowing them to purchase either two ounces of unprocessed marijuana or up to 10 grams of THC or CBD within a two-week period.